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Meet Our Squad

Each member of our Squad plays an important role in not only the goals of our program but also in the heart of their families. We heavily utilize & depend on our Guardian Homes. They are family to us and each new one becomes a new Squad member. I love every dog in my program with my whole heart. Come meet them!

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meet the breeder poodle doodle arizona utah
poodle standard doodle stud arizona utah

Curl Squad Puppies - Poodle Puppies - SetterDoodle Puppies - Available Puppies - Irishdoodle Puppies - EnglishDoodle Puppies - Dog Training - Therapy Dog Training - Service Dog Training - Puppy Support - Puppy Curriculum - Buy A Service Dog - Train Your Service Dog - Service Dog Donation - CGC Classes - Standard Poodle Puppies - Merle Poodles - Training Tips - Facility Dogs - Planned Litters - Meet the Breeder - I Want A Puppy - Guardian Home - Poodle Stud Arizona - Poodle Stud Utah

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