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AKC Standard Poodle

Lux is an AKC Standard Poodle

CGC - CGCA - CGCU Titled

Brown/Cafe Phantom Abstract Tweed Patterned Harlequin Merle Coloring

63lbs 26"

EmEm bb kyky ata Ssp NI

Mm273 - Mh Harlequin Tweed Patterned

5/10 Intermediate Intensity

FF- No Weak Furnishings

Embark DNA Clear

OFA Heart & Eyes NORMAL

Pennhip .34 & .37

Lux is loyal and loved to pieces by his Guardian Mama. He is gentle, goofy & always seems to have a smile on his face. He is extremely food motivated but also loves a good game of fetch. If you have popcorn to share he is your best friend. He was an easy puppy to train as he was always up for a training session or class. he wants to be social and loves everyone calling him a pretty boy and getting pets. Lux is well proven and an incredible stud dog. His puppy's families ooooh & aaahhh over how sweet, smart and human focused his babies are. He has produced multiple working Service Dogs.

Lux is CoOwned with Pedersen Doodles & Front Rowe Doodles.


$1200 - Doodles

$1500 - AKC Poodles

Pups Produced by Lux

Curl Squad Puppies - Poodle Puppies - SetterDoodle Puppies - Available Puppies - Irishdoodle Puppies - EnglishDoodle Puppies - Dog Training - Therapy Dog Training - Service Dog Training - Puppy Support - Puppy Curriculum - Buy A Service Dog - Train Your Service Dog - Service Dog Donation - CGC Classes - Standard Poodle Puppies - Merle Poodles - Training Tips - Facility Dogs - Planned Litters - Meet the Breeder - I Want A Puppy - Guardian Home - Poodle Stud Arizona - Poodle Stud Utah

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