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Deja Vu

AKC Standard Poodle


Deja is an AKC Standard Poodle

CGC  Titled

Brown Based Red Hidden Phantom Abstract

ee bb kyky atat Ssp II FFw

9/10 Intense Intensity

Embark DNA Clear

OFA Heart & Eyes NORMAL

Pennhip .34 & .43

Deja is a gem. She may be a gorgeous spacey blonde sometimes but she is the sweetest, snuggliest most heart warming dog to be around. She just beams light from her soul everywhere she goes and immediately becomes the dog other people and dogs are drawn to. She is everything that is good in this world and really tries hard to be her best self. She is loving, calm and neutral in public and at training classes. Loves a good treat but belly rubs and praise really boost her desire to work more than anything. She makes an incredible couch potato buddy and really loves spending time with her people and 2 other poodle sisters. 

Pups Produced by Deja

Coming Soon!

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