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Curl Squad
Purpose & Goals

curl squad puppies

Produce healthy, intelligent & well natured pets and working service/therapy dogs for families, individuals and businesses.

Spend time & finances staying educated on research being done in genetics, health testing, and training practices and welcome the pressure of producing better dogs for our goals in each new generation. 

Breed purebred and mixed breed dogs to be able to better reach our goals. We are not concerned with meeting a standard set by kennel clubs in what our dogs "should" look like based on their desires for conformation or color. We are concerned with the overall health of the dog, desirable temperament traits for our goals and desired coat colors/textures of our families. This means we will be mixing breeds in order to best pair individual dogs. If this bothers you we are not the breeder for you.

Sell Puppy Pick numbers by number & not coat color or gender, however it is totally understandable that families have preferences. Help families choose the best dog for them in the litter based on pairing a pups temperament and coat with individual families lifestyle. 

Donate at least 1 puppy from every litter to an individual or facility in need of a Service/Therapy dog. 

Help the adventure of raising a puppy for a family to be enjoyable, educational and in the long run something they would want to do over again. To achieve this we are trying to produce pups that fit well in a family lifestyle by selecting for traits such as good overall health, long lifespan, intelligence, human affability, high trainability, low/mild prey arousal, low/mild energy, good food motivation, and lower care or higher hypoallergenic coat qualities.

Raise our puppies with a well researched intentional curriculum focusing on their physical, mental and emotional health. We are also committed to giving the dogs in my program the best lives they could possibly have full of love, exercise, healthy food, expert medical care and endless support from me.

Intentionally and carefully plan our breedings with health tested dogs, train and place our dogs thoughtfully with educated buyers/families and take a lifetime responsibility for the dogs we produce. We will NOT contribute to shelter dog populations. We will always take back at any time, and for any reason, any puppy we have ever produced for the whole life of the dog. Actually, our puppy contract requires it. If you can no longer care for a dog you purchase from us you must contact us first before you rehome/resell. All of our puppies we produce are also microchipped before they leave us and have our information along with their new owners stored on it. If for whatever reason one of our pups ever ends up in a shelter we will be notified and remedy the situation.

Our Why:

Why bring more puppies into the world?

We are breeding to fill the need for well bred Service/Therapy dogs. More individuals and businesses than ever before are looking to add an therapy/facility or service dog into their lives. We are proud to contribute a small amount of incredible pups for these reasons to families, individuals and businesses all over the country. In the United States the most used function of a dog is to be a companion animal. We want to serve that need while still honoring the fact that dogs need/want a job and a purpose. Its ok if their only job is to be the best family pet they could possibly be, we just want to make sure the dog has the needed traits and the family has the necessary tools for the dog to be great at that job. The job of being a well balanced family dog is just as important if not more important in our world today than the work these dog's ancestors were bred and trained for a decades ago. 

Why breed mix breeds?

We choose to to breed purebred as well as mix breeds and believe there is a place for both in our program to help accomplish our goals. Currently we have chosen breeds in the Sporting & Non Sporting Groups in hopes puppies will gain traits from both sides that will support our program goals. The breeds we have chosen are similar in temperament and body size so we tend to get a good amount of consistency in our litters. 

We agree with Veterinarian Jessica Hekman, founder of the Functional Dog Collaborative when she said that; 'We are building a new culture of dog breeding, in which we do things in a somewhat different way, to produce dogs that are more reliably healthy and behaviorally suited for lives as pets."


Curl Squad Puppies - Poodle Puppies - SetterDoodle Puppies - Available Puppies - Irishdoodle Puppies - EnglishDoodle Puppies - Dog Training - Therapy Dog Training - Service Dog Training - Puppy Support - Puppy Curriculum - Buy A Service Dog - Train Your Service Dog - Service Dog Donation - CGC Classes - Standard Poodle Puppies - Merle Poodles - Training Tips - Facility Dogs - Planned Litters - Meet the Breeder - I Want A Puppy - Guardian Home - Poodle Stud Arizona - Poodle Stud Utah

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